Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Offline for a few...

I am going to visit my brothers in the Deep South over the course of the next two weeks, followed by my 20 year high school reunion. That should be interesting considering I have not seen one person since I graduated and I've gained oh... 100 pounds (I used to be a skinny, long distance running, dude). Living large isn't that what they say? I'm the proverbial definition of that one. LOL.

Didn't play too much the past few days as I've been researching some articles I'm writing and trying to get into a prop program or two. I figure if I'm going to be playing so much online I might as well get 100% or more rake back rather then the traditional 25-30%. Oh and part of the reason I haven't been playing so much is because FullTilt caught my new account when I tried to do a cash out... apparently they do a name check. Bah. It's not like I was logging in and playing two accounts, I just wanted to start new and get rakeback, which you can't do with existing accounts. Kind of sucky if you ask me. Ah well, they lost my business... thankfully they gave me my money back.

I did get signed on as a prop at one site... obviously can't say what site it is, but it's 100% rakeback, which is a good deal. I played a $20+ SNG into a bigger buy in tournament there tonight and won it... it was one of those up and down affairs. I start off tripling up early when some guy thought it was good to call my limp push with A6s. I had QQ. I got down to about double what I started with, doubled up to be massive chip leader and then in back to back hands lost with K-K to A-7 (same A-6 idiot) and 10-10 to Q-Q. Kept afloat with timely steals and resteals, then raise with K-K in the SB, BB (guy who had Q-Q earlier) pushes with Q-J. Of course the flop comes J-T-9. Jesus. I survive though and win a fairly long heads up session.

So, I'm off to see the Wizard... or something like that. Hope everyone has lots of good food and family fun. Catch ya on the flip side!

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