Sunday, November 11, 2007

A quickie...

Today was my brother's birthday so we went out to Red Lobster (my treat)... was excellent for a "chain" - I don't get to eat seafood much so I enjoy it when I do. I need a nap. Went 8-8 today but still got to the $100 mark, mainly cuz I cheated and started my first round at the $20 level (lost it, but won the $50 which put me up +30 right off the bat). I went back down to $10 after that, I gotta be careful not to overstep my bounds but there was a really bad player at the $20 level that I had schooled a couple times the other day that I just had to have a go at (I told him to go to $50 after he beat me, and proceeded to beat him there, I love when fish listen to ya and give you there money).

Had a nice chat with my friend Jen yesterday. We spent the entire summer working together, spending 12-16 hours a day with one another so we really got to know one another. We've kept in touch which has been nice and she sent me a good contact at and looks like I am going to be doing some writing for them. Thanks Jen (I've tried to return the favor by seeing if InsidePoker has something for her)! It's too bad she has this silly rule about not making out with colleagues though. Hmmphhh.

I don't watch a lot of sports but enjoy pro football. My team, the Packers is off to an 8-1 start, so I am psyched about that. After a couple off years it's good to see them winning like this again. I never would have imagined it at the beginning of the year, but they look like they have a legitimate shot at making the Super Bowl although I am sure Dallas will have something to say about that.

Guess this wasn't so quick after all, so on that note, I'm out.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the shout-out in your blog! Even so, my rule stands. ;)