Thursday, December 13, 2007

No, I'm not dead...

So it's been nearly three weeks since I've updated. Visited family for nearly two weeks and have been playing catch up since I've got back. That and ummmm I've met someone and have been spending a lot (read: nearly every second) of time with them and enjoying every second of it. She's a fantastic woman and I'm thrilled that she is part of my life. Only time will tell how it turns out but I'm feeling pretty good about it. Finally!

Poker has been pretty break even. I haven't been doing the heads up thing lately (I still haven't had a losing session) as I've been trying the prop thing... and I've figured out that is more of a grind then the heads up thing. You know how hard it is to generate $200 in rake a week when you can only play $1/2 and up and decent games ever get going. I'm going to try one more site but the first one has been a struggle (down $100, although I did win a seat into another $200+ tournament so technically speaking I'm up $100). Mainly though I've been writing to make some money and spending time with the new girlfriend. I'll get to playing more seriously here soon (kinda have to if I want to pay the bills lol although I am doing ok on that end right now thanks to the writing and teaching gigs).

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