Tuesday, July 24, 2007

People are strange

I am driving from Minnesota to New York to pick up my boys and rather then listen to the 20 mix CD's I made for my drive to Vegas (which I have subsequently wore out from overuse) I spent the day listening to talk radio. A couple of comments:

1) Everything is not about race. I could not believe how many people were calling in saying that Michael Vick was being persecuted because he was an African-American. Are you kidding me? I guarantee if Brett Favre did the same thing he'd get persecuted just as much (if not more). I understand that this country has a history of civil unjustice and at treating minorities like shit but when people start throwing the race card at things like this it really takes away from issues that really deserve closer scrutiny.

2) Many Republicans are ignorant: now before I explain what I mean here let me preface this by saying that I am very tolerant of opposing political views... many of my best friends are Republicans. With that being said I spent two hours listening to a Republican talk show host take calls from Republicans (I can't remember what his name was but it sounded like a nationally syndicated show) and discuss how if the Democrats take over and we pull troops out of Iraq that we are going to have another 9/11 on our hands. *sigh*

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

Driving through Chicago and Western Indiana is quite possibly the ugliest drive known to mankind. Besides the traffic, the scenery consists of train tracks, electric cables, power lines, power poles, transmittors, electrical switches, and all kinds of plants including power and sewage. For miles and miles... and because of traffic (even at 1 in the afternoon) you are forced to take it all in very slowly and painfully. I've visited Chicago before and enjoyed my visits... but I don't think I'd ever want to live there.

What is up with all the country music stations? Since when did country music take over the country (bad pun intended)? No wonder so many people get road rage.

Get to see my boys tomorrow... I am SO excited for that.

I sent the pink kitty to a 6 year old girl in Arizona. Her aunt wrote me today to tell me:


I came back from a meeting to a voicemail from a very excited Samantha, "someone sent me Poker Kitty". And tonight an e-mail from my sister:

Samantha takes kitty everywhere. She even ate dinner with her.

She had to leave school today and go to Urgent Care, so the arrival of Kitty today was just purrfect (I can't believe I did that, but it's been a long Monday.)

Thank you so much for making her so happy.


Things like that are what life is all about to me.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So glad Kitty found a good home! You made the best choice. :)