Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Don't know much 'bout...

Golf. But that's a whole lengthy dissertation.

I've been spending the past two weeks with my boys and my Dad. It's been an interesting experience to say the least, 95% enjoyable, but 5% reminding me of why I doubt I'd ever have kids again (I'm much too old anyway). Although I think if I had just one child that could not fight with their siblings that I might enjoy that. Love my boys to death but man their fighting with one another gets old and frustrating and try as I might to contain/control it, I just don't know if it's possible considering I only get them one month a year. We're having fun though and I know that they are enjoying their time with me... as they usually do since I pretty much spoil them rotten for a month and send them off to their evil (well in my eyes) mother (and no I don't talk bad about her in front of the kids).

My Dad lives in a retirement community (55 and over) on a golf course so we have been golfing 4-5 times a week since we've been here. I. Suck. At. Golf. I'm getting better though but it is a challenging game for sure. Many similarities to poker if you think about it, especially when it comes to dealing with your emotions. As with poker and taking a bad beat, you have to be able to move on to the next hand calmly and rationally... same with golf and a bad shot.

Anyway, that's all I really have time for right now. Playing cards/games/golf with the boys keeps me busy... I'm sure once I get back to Minnesota in three weeks I'll start playing more poker and have more things to write about.

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