Friday, July 20, 2007

Home... for now

Well I made the 1680 mile trek in under two days. I drove 860 miles the first day. I stopped at pretty much every scenic viewing area and took pictures, especially in Utah. Unfortunately it was raining while I drove through the Rockies so it wasn't as breathtaking as it was the first time I drove through. Something about the sun shining down through the mountains made a difference. Don't get me wrong, it was still spectacular, but not quite as much so. I was dead tired about 8 p.m. so I stopped at Fort Morgan, Colorado (an hour past Denver) for the night and fell asleep by 10. I woke up at 6 and was off the next day through the most boring stretch of highway ever (Eastern Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa). Made it home by 9 p.m.

I had a friend feed my cats while I was gone. Cat's are not the neatest animals in the world... I don't think I'd ever own a cat again on my own... I inherited these from an ex-girlfriend. Cat hair, vomit, and kitty litter mess everywhere. Not my idea of fun, but I cleaned most of it up right away. And of course the one cat who loves me to death (well ok, I kinda like him too) would not stop scratching at my door when I tried to go to bed. I don't let them in the bedroom though because I don't want cat hair all over my clothes and bed. Anyway, I spent some time out in the living room this morning so he would calm down but he's still acting like a spaz. I guess I'm too loveable for my own good. ;)

Today I ran a few errands. A light was green but traffic was backed up so if I would have proceeded I would have blocked the intersection. They guy behind me was not too fond of my decision. He started flailing his arms like a crazy man and giving me all kinds of versions of the middle finger. Quite amusing but it didn't sway my decision to not move forward. So then he swings over into the left lane and zooms through the intersection... after the light had turned red. The whole time he is doing this he is still flailing his arms and giving me the general fuck off. I'm laughing my ass off. And then a siren... Ha Ha Ha... I love karma. The idiot got pulled over for running the red light. Good times.

I'm staying in a hotel tonight because I have no cable or Internet and I don't want to set it up again when I am leaving on another trip to see my kids in a few days. I had some free nights racked up so I decided to use one tonight. Tomorrow I'll probably rent some movies and spend the next two days watching them.

Going to hang out with my best friend Jordan tonight so I am looking forward to that. Jordan is my ex-girlfriend and is probably the coolest woman I know (she even plays poker... she cashed in the main event in 2006). We've been broke up for a year now but have maintained a very good friendship and see each other whenever we have time... usually we catch a movie, dinner, or watch our favorite television shows (Lost, Heroes, The Office) together. I think the 7 weeks I spent in Vegas is the longest we've not seen one another since we first met.

I think that's it for now. I have some gig apparently from PSO (pokerschoolonline) that will give me employment for the next three months. Thank God! I did sooooo not want to have to get a 9 to 5 for a couple months.

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