Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I was excited to cover the final table of the Main Event. So much so that I was unable to sleep... I was up at 5:30 a.m.

But unfortunately I have an idiot savant for a boss... a 22 year old kid who burned so many bridges with the Harrah's and WSOP staff that after a couple of errors were made in the Day 6 coverage they revoked our pool reporter privileges. I have mixed feelings about the kid I worked for. He does have some talent and at certain times is a likeable guy... but he completely lacks people skills, management skills, has emotional/temper issues, lacks maturity, and pretty much centers everything around him. If it's to his benefit, he's going to do it. If it's not, someone else would do it. It was a me, me, me thing with him and it got old real quick. Not to mention the fact that I got tired of being his fucking alarm clock. I woke him up pretty much every day for the first three weeks before I finally said enough was enough and quit doing it.

Enough of that whine. I was pissed that I worked my ass off for so long and then had to sit in my condo and cover the main event there by watching the pay-per-view broadcast.

I'm amazed this kid still has a job. All I can figure is he has incriminating photos of the boss. It's the only thing that makes sense... because if I was running a company, this latest transgression would be the breaking point for me. But c'est la vie... I don't run it... I made my opinion known to the people that matter (as did the rest of the people on the team... it was definitely not just my opinion) and now it is in their hands. I'd do tournament coverage for again but not if he was in charge of the reporting team.

I leave for home in a few hours... I'm excited to see friends I haven't seen in a couple months. Then on Tuesday I am going to leave for New York to pick up my boys and drive down to Florida so they can see their Grandpa for the first time in 5 years.

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