Monday, August 27, 2007

Living for today

I was sending an e-mail to a good friend of mine explaining why I make some of the choices I do (i.e. quitting a good job to go to Vegas for two months to report on the World Series of Poker). Here is what I said:

Life without hope... well it's not much. We have to have something to look forward to the next day... something that makes us dream and wonder... something that excites us or angers us... something that gets our minds thinking, our hearts racing...

I've always lived life with that in mind. When an opportunity comes, I seize it. I'm not a believer in planning for the future... I believe in living in the moment. I laugh at all the people my age who scrape their pennies so they will have money when they are older. What kind of life is that? Live now I say! I'm not saying that I make bad choices... I don't... I'm just saying that the choices are make are with today in mind... not ten years from now.

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