Sunday, October 28, 2007

Moving sucks but the end result is usually worth it

I've spent the better part of the last three weeks packing, moving, and unpacking. I always hate moving, it is one of the reasons I don't do it often (I spent 6 years at my last place even though I didn't really like it all that much). Well I'm done, and getting a new start is both exciting and somewhat scary.

Some difficulties I've encountered is setting up a bank account to fund my online poker accounts. I was fortunate enough to have a couple of nice cashes before I moved out here... I bought some new toys for my room (a HDTV, playstation, mini-fridge, and other misc. accessories) but I have no way of playing online poker right now until I get a bill sent to my new address so that I have verification of my new address. Seriously, since when did banks get so picky about taking people's money? I actually closed my old bank account and since I am creating all new poker accounts (to take advantage of the bonuses and to be somewhat anonymous... for now) I am spending the majority of my time right now setting up things at my new mentoring site, writing articles for InsidePoker, and playing Tiger Woods on my PS.

So that's what is up. Soon I'll be talking poker here, but for now that's what is going on here.

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